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A Grateful Life: Living the Law of Attraction by Beth and Lee McCain

A Grateful Life: Living the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction Audio Book

by Beth and Lee McCain

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
4 Hrs. 50 Mins.
Year Released


Whether you are new to, or are a seasoned practitioner of the Law of Attraction, A Grateful Life: Living the Law of Attraction is a must-hear audio book for you. 

For over a decade, Beth and Lee McCain have been living the Law of Attraction to the fullest.  In the beginning, Beth struggled with applying the Law of Attraction and with her husband, Lee, discovered and developed different methods as well as answers to how the LOA works.

This audio book explains many things about the Law of Attraction that may not seem clear for many who truly and honestly seek what the Universe promises through the Law of Attraction.  Over the nearly five hours of this unique audio book, the authors have incorporated some of their early, personal journals from the time they began practicing the LOA which describe their amazing transformation from fear, doubt, and worry to ease, loving life, and being successful in every area. There are some definite nuggets of gold scattered throughout, sure to inspire the listener, as well as a four-part Academe with which to begin your own studies.

Beth and Lee McCain are two of the most prolific authors on the subject of the Law of Attraction, also known as The Secret.  In addition to three books they have co-authored on the Law of Attraction, the happily married couple host a popular nationally syndicated weekly radio show called Radio LOA, publish the only national LOA magazine, The Indicator, and teach the principles of the Law of Attraction at gatherings and seminars around the world.  They make their home in Oregon's lush Alsea Valley.  You are invited to visit their Web site at http://www.bethandleemccain.com for more Law of Attraction information and free study materials.

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