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Clear Mind Open Heart Meditation by Brian Sheen

Clear Mind Open Heart Meditation

by Brian Sheen

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
12 Hrs.


In the ancient tradition millions have discovered an inner calm, mental clarity and enhanced focus to realize their highest potential and live life in a relaxed state of self awareness. The benefits of meditation have now been scientifically proven to demonstrate greater health, quicker recovery and anti-aging properties that extend life and your enjoyment of it. Perhaps most intriguing of all is that practicing meditators share their inner calmness with those around them creating an expanded field of well being to anyone in their vacinity.

In this 12 CD Series Dr. Brian Sheen shares with you his research and experience of the past 35 years to enable you to restore your true Self and reconnect with your Source of existence to experience the joy of living in each and every moment.

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