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Substance Dualism or Idealism as the Foundation of the Social Sciences by Chris Lind

Substance Dualism or Idealism as the Foundation of the Social Sciences

by Chris Lind

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
5 Mins.


Social science (economics, politics, anthropology, psychology, etc.) is the search for and study of human behavior, both individually and in groups. The social sciences are not exact, meaning they cannot accurately predict what the behavior of one person or a group of people will be in the future. By way of contrast, physics and chemistry are exact sciences, meaning they can accurately predict the future behavior of matter acting under the mathematical rules of physics and chemistry.

The social sciences can never be exact sciences in the same sense that chemistry and physics are for the simple reason that human beings are not purely physical or material entities. In addition to their material body (which can be fully described and understood in terms of physics and chemistry), a human being also has a mind. Mind is not created by matter and is therefore fundamentally incapable of being understood in terms of the mathematical rules of physics and chemistry.

This distinction between mind and matter is called dualism, and it is the root of all clear thinking regarding human behavior and the social sciences.

Discover the non material human mind and spirit...the source of free will, the tablet upon which God writes his moral laws of right and wrong, and the foundation of the social sciences.

This audio download is chapter 6 of the book,

Searching for Spirit: Searching for Truth about Mind and Morality 


For more information please visit http://www.searchingforspirit.org/

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